City of Fort Smith

* Needs Assessment *RFP Development * Contract Negotiations
Service Population:
DELTAWRX assisted the City of Fort Smith with the planning, procurement, and contract negotiation for the replacement of a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Mobile System, Law Enforcement Records Management System (RMS), and Fire Records Management System (Fire RMS).
DELTAWRX conducted interviews with stakeholders representing the Fort Smith Police Department, Fort Smith Fire Department and Fort Smith Information Technology Department as part of an in-depth needs assessment to identify the business needs of the City. As a result of the findings within the needs assessment, the strategic direction set forth by the City was to replace the entirety of their public safety suite – CAD, Mobile, RMS, and FRMS.
DELTAWRX assisted the City in developing a multi-application RFP as well as provided the City with proposal evaluation support, which included coordinating vendor demonstration, providing subject matter expertise to evaluators, facilitating evaluation meetings, and leading contract negotiations.